How to find out user's personal number
How to find out user's personal number

User's personal number is a unique combination of 16 digits that is assigned to each MC Pay user.

The personal number can be transferred to other persons; it does not give access to the account.

What is the personal number for

A personal number is needed to transfer money to other users to their MC Pay account. To transfer money to another user, you need to specify their personal number.

Where to find user's personal number

The only way to find out the personal number of another user is to ask them yourself.

The personal number is specified in Balance and in Settings.

If you click on the number, it will be copied. If you click on the link icon next to the number, the payment link will be copied to your MC Pay account.

If you click on the copied link, a form will open with the personal number already filled in. The user will only need to enter the amount.

Send your personal number or payment link to the person who wants to transfer money to you.