MC Pay Expresses
MC Pay Expresses

YouTube pays creators once a month. But with MC Pay, you can receive the money you've earned during the day directly to your account. These daily receipts are called Expresses.

How Expresses work

The system studies data from YouTube using channel analytics and uses it to calculate the creator’s income for each day. And it starts crediting it daily to the creator's MC Pay account. On the 26th, YouTube makes the actual payout, and then a recalculation occurs in MC Pay so that the creator receives exactly as much money as they've earned.

"I just connected my channel to MC Pay. When should I expect the first receipt to be credited to my account?"

You begin to receive Expresses in your account three days after connection. We need these three days to get channel data from YouTube and start calculating the approximate income for each day.

How to use Expresses

"There are two options for using Expresses: with and without a subscription.

Without a subscription, Expresses are credited to your account without any fee. You have nothing to lose by receiving Expresses. The fee appears when you withdraw Expresses before YouTube has made the actual payount. The fee is charged for the amount of Expresses you withdraw.

With a subscription, Expresse are credited directly to your MC Pay account and include a fee. The fee is lower than without a subscription."

Which is more profitable: with or without a subscription?

It all depends on how often you use Expresses.

Without a subscription, the fee is higher, but it only applies to the amount that you decide to use early.

Expresses without a subscription are suitable for those who are used to withdrawing money once a month and only sometimes withdraw some amounts in advance.

With a subscription, the fee is lower, but it applies to the entire amount received, regardless of whether you used the money ahead of schedule or not.

Subscription is suitable for those who prefer to use the money right away. For example, for daily expenses.

How to enable or disable a subscription

The subscription can be enabled and disabled at any time. To enable or disable Expresses subscription, go to the Expresses block in MC Pay.

Contact us if you have any questions.