How to apply to join
How to apply to join

There are 2 ways to apply to join our partner network: submitting an application via a referral link and submitting an application from the MC Pay account.

  • Minimum technical requirements for channels to submit an application: the channel must have more than 1,000 subscribers and more than 30,000 views. This is not a key factor when making a decision, and the full list of requirements can be found here.

Referral link

With this way of applying, the manager sends you a special link, after clicking on which the system guides you through the entire application and registration process in MC Pay. It looks like this:

A. Click on the link

You follow the link that the manager sent: 

Next, the system determines whether you are logged in to MC Pay.

1.1 You are not logged in to MC Pay

The system will ask you to log in to the system. If you do not have an account in MC Pay, then you will need to register.

1.1.1 Register in MC Pay

Here, you enter your first and last name in Latin alphabet for registration, choose a country, and agree to the terms of use.

1.2 You are logged in to MC Pay

1.2.1 Select a channel in Google

The system will prompt you to select a channel account (if you have several of them) and/or the channel you want to apply with. Pay attention! This should be the same e-mail you created the channel with. Next, Google requests permission to connect the MC Pay service to your channel:


1.2.2 Application Result screen

After selecting the channel you want to apply with and allowing access to it for MC Pay, the system will process your channel and display one of the possible results of the application:

1) The application for joining the network has been sent


Your channel meets the minimum requirements for our network, and you can submit a request for this channel. The terms on which the income will be distributed and the general terms of the MC Pay platform can be read in the tick boxes. After sending the application, you will be sent to the MC Pay account.


2) We expect the development of your channel

Your channel does not meet the minimum requirements for joining our network. You will be able to apply directly from your MC Pay account later, when your channel has gained the necessary coverage.

3) Insufficient rights to submit an application

The application can only be submitted by the main owner of the channel, and the system has determined that at the moment, the main owner is another user.


4) The application has already been rejected

The application has already been rejected for reasons related to the channel's content (most likely, the channel's content does not meet the requirements of the YouTube community).

Submitting an application from the MC Pay account

To submit an application from the MC Pay account, you must first be registered with MC Pay. To do this, go to and register (the process is very similar to the description in paragraph A 1.1). If you are already registered with MC Pay, the process will be as follows:

On the “Channels” page, click on the “Connect a Channel" button. Further actions will be identical to those in paragraph 1.2.1.

After submitting the application, our managers will review it within 1-5 business days. The response will be sent to your email. In case of refusal, we will indicate the reason.